Astrophotography Dreams

The Journey of a Backyard Astronomer

At ‘The Universe from my Backyard’, I showcase astrophotography taken from suburban settings under light-polluted skies. My aim is to inspire amateur astronomers to explore the cosmos with accessible technology.

The journey began as a means to combine my passion for astrophysics and photography, evolving into a platform where I can share my work and insights.

The website serves a diverse audience, including amateur astronomers, educators, and anyone curious about the wonders of the universe, all drawn together by a shared love for the cosmos.

Core Values

Our commitment to excellence and passion for astronomy shape our philosophy and approach to astrophotography.


We believe that the beauty of the universe should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their equipment or location. Knowledge and inspiration should know no boundaries.


As a professional astrophysicist, I uphold the highest standards of integrity in presenting information. Transparency in methods and processes is fundamental to our mission.


Driven by a deep love for astronomy, we strive to ignite curiosity and wonder, encouraging others to explore and appreciate the universe around them.

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