About me
I was always fascinated by the night sky and the objects of the cosmos. Grown up in the space ages, I vividly remember as a kindergarten kid the Apollo astronauts walking on the Moon, and a night we watched out for skylab crossing. As a highschool student I got a telescope and got some first experiences with astrophotography – mostly Lunar and planetary, and still with photographic film. I was fortunate that I could make my passion to my profession – see my professional website for some background on me and my research activities.
But I always saw astronomy not only as fundamental research but also as cultural contribution to humanity – the objects of the sky are not only most fascinating but also breathtakingly beautiful!
With the kids grown up, the Corona pandemic limiting activities, and comet Neowise prominently decorating the night sky in 2020, I reactivated my old passion with the special emphasis to what can be achieved from standard suburbia conditions – in my case southwest of the Berlin metropolitan area.